Friday, January 12, 2024

You finally made your childhood dream come true

 I started writing songs when I was 10 years old, it was a dream of mine to become an artist. Being in a asian household, parents don't believe in cultivating music talent as a career. I didn't care anyways, as with a lot of you, music was my escape from my dysfunctional family. 

I would perform on teacher's day at school, serenade songs to my crushes HAHAH

and sadly during one of the auditions for teacher's day, my friend who was suppose to perform with me decided to kick me out cause obviously at the naive age of 14 I do not stand out. I have ZERO self confidence, heck I didn't know my own self worth. 

Feeling the rejection of both my family and friends I stopped music for a really long time. 

13 years later, tried every career out there available, realise that life is really pointless to be stuck at my desk and not at least try to do what I really wanted to do, even if it means I'M GONNA SUCK AT IT. Because sometimes the fear of failure is so big that you don't even Start. 

Now that I have worked on my self-worth and insecurities. I'm ready to put myself out there and to be judged.

So here is my first Single on spotify, Youtube Music, Apple MUSIC, JUST NAME THE PLATFORM, I will be there

it's called PNC (post nut clarity) by Jocatfeine

Youtube Music


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